ZERO Magazin
Project type:
Basel School of Design,
Andrew Herndon
Neuzeit Grotesk,
Wilhelm Pischner
Raffael Stäubli,
Julya Straumann
ZERO is a motion picture magazine with a focus on science, science-fiction, space travel and technology. Each issue is available in print as well as in digital form for tablets and e-reader. The multimedia application of the magazine is most important since the material at hand calls for sound and motion. The third issue of the magazine provides an in-depth look (and listen) into the sound design of "Gravity" as well as a closer look at the filming of "2001: a Space Odyssey".
The print and digital implementation of the magazine are ment to compliment and not to replace one another. The printed magazine focuses on the editorial part of the magazine taking great care of the readers reading haptic experience. Images are sown throughout the text only when they inform the readers understanding of the contents of the articles.
The digital sibling of the magazine strives to provide a visual and audible experience to the reader. Enhancing the contents trought uniquely designed sound spaces for each major piece in the magazine while allowing the reader to experience the portrayed motion pictures splendid sound design and music.

In the case of Herb Lightman's piece on the making of "2001: a Space Odyssey" the digital medium allows room to incorporate the original interview with Stanley Kubrick on which the article is based on.